Anderson Front Squat from the pins- a variation of the front squat that I like and currently doing in my strength training plan. The idea for starting from the pins is to take away the eccentric portion of the lift and also the stretch reflex that occurs in your muscles that helps you power out the bottom when you perform a full squat.You can set the pins at parallel or below. I find It can take a bit of practice finding the right set up for pin height.The key is to stay as tight as possible as you would whilst doing your regular squats. Squatting from this position could help overcome a sticking point in the bottom of your squat.Great for building strong quadriceps and your core muscles will work extremely hard, as you push the weight from a dead stop. I was performing 4 x 1 on this with set number 5 being a back off set of 4 reps of a full front squat. I I did this today after my Olympic weightlifting routine.#andersonfrontsquats #squats #frontsquats #strength #power #healthandfitness #personaltrainer #core #dmv #tenlytown #ahealthierfitteryou

Posted by A Healthier Fitter You on Thursday, January 22, 2015


Anderson Front Squat from the pins – a variation of the front squat that I like and currently doing in my strength training plan. The idea for starting from the pins is to take away the eccentric portion of the lift and also the stretch reflex that occurs in your muscles that helps you power out the bottom when you perform a full squat.

You can set the pins at parallel or below. I find it can take a bit of practice finding the right set up for pin height. The key is to stay as tight as possible as you would whilst doing your regular squats. Squatting from this position could help overcome a sticking point in the bottom of your squat. Great for building strong quadriceps and your core muscles will work extremely hard, as you push the weight from a dead stop.

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