Core Stability Exercises

Working on some core stability with my client. Stability ball rollout (anti-extension) exercise, spine stays in a neutral position as your rectus abdominis muscles lengthen as you resist extension on the ball. Half kneeling lift and chop with medicine ball...

Two Good Sources Of Carbohydrates

Two good sources of carbohydrates Sweet Potatoes and Quinoa. Both low glycemic so they won’t raise your blood sugar level quickly. Therefore you will have a more satisfied feeling that will keep you fuller for longer. Great nutrient value especially the quinoa...

My Favorite Fall Season Vegetable

I know it’s definitely fall/autumn season when I see Brussels Sprouts. I’m still waiting for the local farmers market to get some in, so I purchased some from our local grocery store yesterday. I love Brussels Sprouts! One simple way of preparing them is...

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